by Zoe Jan 04,2025
Card | Description |
Mew Ex (Psychic) | 130 HP
Psyshot (1 Psychic Energy): 20 damage. |
Aerodactyl Ex (Fighting) | 140 HP
Primeval Law (Ability): Your opponent can’t play any Pokemon from their hand to evolve their Active Pokemon. Land Crush (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): 80 damage. |
Marshadow (Fighting) | 80 HP
Revenge (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): If any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack during your opponent’s last turn, this attack does 60 more damage. 40 damage. |
Blue (Trainer) | During your opponent’s next turn, all of your Pokemon take -10 damage from attacks from your opponent’s Pokemon. |
Leaf (Trainer) | During this turn, the Retreat Cost of your Active Pokemon is 2 less. |
Il pacchetto di espansione Mythical Island uscirà il 17 dicembre all'1:00 AM, ora di New York, in concomitanza con il ripristino giornaliero del gioco. Contemporaneamente verranno rilasciati anche i set pack Genetic Apex. Al momento non è chiaro se i punti pacchetto possano essere utilizzati per gli acquisti sull'Isola Mitica.
Carte chiave nell'Isola MiticaCard | Description |
Mew Ex (Psychic) | 130 HP
Psyshot (1 Psychic Energy): 20 damage. |
Aerodactyl Ex (Fighting) | 140 HP
Primeval Law (Ability): Your opponent can’t play any Pokemon from their hand to evolve their Active Pokemon. |
Marshadow (Fighting) | 80 HP
Revenge (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): If any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack during your opponent’s last turn, this attack does 60 more damage. 40+ damage. |
Blue (Trainer) | During your opponent’s next turn, all of your Pokemon take -10 damage from attacks from your opponent’s Pokemon. |
Leaf (Trainer) | During this turn, the Retreat Cost of your Active Pokemon is 2 less. |
Ecco un'anteprima di alcune carte degne di nota:
<🎜>Si prevede che queste carte da sole rimodelleranno il meta del gioco, creando nuove entusiasmanti strategie di mazzo. Resta sintonizzato su The Escapist per ulteriori notizie su <🎜>Pokémon TCG Pocket<🎜> e guide strategiche.<🎜>PS5 Pro viene lanciato con Black Ops 6, BG3, FF7 Rebirth, Palworld e altro ancora con miglioramenti grafici
Il Museo Nintendo espone i classici di Mario Arcade, i passeggini Nintendo e altro ancora a Kyoto
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