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Bitlife: How to Complete the Renaissance Challenge

by Oliver Mar 17,2025

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It's the weekend, and that means a new weekly challenge in Bitlife: the Renaissance challenge! Launched on January 4th, you have four days to conquer this one.

This challenge takes you to Italy, where you'll pursue higher education and artistic endeavors. It's a five-step process, and we're here to guide you through each stage.

How to Complete Bitlife’s Renaissance Challenge

To complete the challenge, you must:

  • Be born male in Italy.
  • Obtain a Physics degree.
  • Obtain a Graphic Design degree.
  • Become a Painter.
  • Go on 5 or more long walks after age 18.

How to Be Born Male in Italy in Bitlife

The first step is straightforward: start a new life in Bitlife, selecting Italy as your birthplace and choosing a male character. Boosting your character's Smarts stat early on will be beneficial for the academic steps ahead.

How to Get a Degree in Physics and Graphic Design in Bitlife

After completing secondary school, it's time for higher education. Regularly reading books will significantly improve your Smarts stat, making university life easier.

Navigate to the 'Jobs' section, then 'Education,' and select 'University.' Choose 'Physics' as your major, and age up until graduation. Repeat this process, selecting 'Graphic Design' for your second degree.

University can be expensive, so consider part-time jobs to cover costs. Each degree typically takes four years, totaling eight years of university study. If you possess the Golden Diploma, you can graduate instantly.

How to Become a Painter in Bitlife

Becoming a painter is relatively simple and doesn't require a specific degree. Aim for around 50% Smarts (easily achievable after reading books and completing your degrees).

Go to the 'Occupations' section, find 'Apprentice Painter,' and apply. Once hired, you're well on your way to completing this step.

How to Go on Long Walks After Age 18 in Bitlife

The final step involves taking long walks after turning 18. Go to Activities > Mind and Body > Walk, select a two-hour duration, and choose either a 'Brisk' or 'Stroll' pace. Repeat this five times to finish the challenge.

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