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Discover the Ancient Isle Bestiary: Your Guide to Epic Monsters

by Claire Jan 18,2025

Discover the Prehistoric Wonders of Fisch's Ancient Isle Bestiary!

Fisch's Ancient Isle offers a unique fishing experience unlike any other location. This guide unveils the secrets of its prehistoric sea creatures and valuable fragments. Prepare to explore a world teeming with ancient fish and rare treasures!

This Roblox fishing simulator location boasts nearly 20 unique fish. Some are easy catches, while others require considerable skill and patience. But first, you need to reach this remote island.

Navigating to Ancient Isle in Fisch

Ancient Isle, like other islands in Fisch, is easily visible once you're at sea. However, its distance requires a journey. Caution is advised! A danger zone surrounds the island, populated by gunpowder barrels, spikes, and perilous whirlpools. Barrels and spikes damage your ship, while whirlpools instantly destroy it. Navigate carefully to avoid these hazards.

Uncovering the Ancient Isle Bestiary

Ancient Isle is home to a diverse range of ancient fish, many challenging to catch. Beyond fish, you'll discover crafting materials and Fragments vital for unlocking the Ancient Archives. Collect them all to complete the Ancient Isle Bestiary and achieve 100% completion in Fisch.

Ancient Isle Fish

Fish Rarity Season Weather Time Bait PiranhaCommonWinter or SpringAnyAnySquidCladoselacheCommonAnyAnyDayWormAnomalocarisUncommonAnyAnyNightMinnowOnychodusUncommonAnyAnyNightAnyStarfishUncommonSummerAnyAnyAnyHyneriaUnusualSpringFoggyAnyAnyAcanthodiiUnusualWinterAnyAnyAnyXiphactinusUnusualWinter or AutumnAnyNightFish HeadCobiaRareAutumn or SummerAnyAnyInsectHallucigeniaRareAutumnRainDayFlakesGinsu SharkLegendarySummerAnyNightFish HeadLeedsichthysLegendaryAnyFoggyDaySquidFloppyLegendaryAutumnAnyAnySuper FlakesDunkleosteusLegendaryAnyAnyDayMinnowMosasaurusMythicalAnyFoggyNightTruffle WormHelicoprionMythicalAnyClearAnySquidAncient MegalodonExoticAnyAnyAnyShark HeadMegalodonExoticAnyAnyAnyShark HeadPhantom MegalodonLimitedAnyAnyAnyShark Head

Ancient Isle Fragments

Fragment Acquisition Method Ancient FragmentCaught in Ancient Isle waters.Solar FragmentFound atop Ancient Isle during Eclipse events.Deep Sea FragmentLocated beneath the Ancient Isle waterfall.Earth FragmentFound within the Ancient Isle cave.

Ancient Isle Crafting Items

Item Rarity Acquisition Method Meg's SpineMythicalCaught in Ancient Isle waters.Meg's FangMythicalCaught in Ancient Isle waters.Moonstone GemstoneFound at the Meteor crash site.Lapis Lazuli GemstoneFound at the Meteor crash site.Amethyst GemstoneFound at the Meteor crash site.Ruby GemstoneFound at the Meteor crash site.Opal GemstoneFound at the Meteor crash site.
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