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All Artifact Detectors In Stalker 2 (& How To Get Them)

by Emily Mar 21,2025

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In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, artifacts are crucial for boosting Skif's stats, but acquiring them requires navigating anomalous zones with an artifact detector. The detector you use significantly impacts the ease of this process. Let's explore the four available detectors in detail, including how to obtain them.

Echo Detector - Standard Artifact Detector

Your journey begins with the Echo Detector, a standard-issue device you'll receive early in the game. This small yellow device features a central light tube that pulses when an artifact is nearby. The intensity of the strobe and beeping increases as you approach the artifact, providing a basic, though sometimes slow, method of locating your prize.

Bear Detector - Upgrade Over The Echo Detector

An upgrade from the Echo Detector, the Bear detector can be acquired during the "A Sign of Hope" side mission or from certain vendors. It improves upon the Echo Detector by adding a visual distance indicator. Concentric rings around the main display illuminate, progressively lighting up as you get closer to the artifact. A fully illuminated display signals you've reached the artifact's spawn point.

Hilka Detector - Precise Artifact Detector

The Hilka represents a significant leap in precision. Obtained during the "Mysterious Case" side mission from Sultan, this detector uses numerical readings to guide you. Decreasing numbers indicate you're getting closer to the artifact, providing a more refined approach to artifact hunting.

Veles Detector - Best Artifact Detector In Stalker 2

The pinnacle of artifact detection technology in Stalker 2, the Veles is awarded upon completion of the "In Search of Past Glory" main mission. Its radar display pinpoints the artifact's location within the anomalous field, offering unparalleled accuracy. Furthermore, it also highlights dangerous anomalies in the vicinity, enhancing your safety while searching.

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