Discover the ultimate luxury shopping experience with SIVILLAGE, the official online shopping app by Shinsegae International. Featuring over 60 carefully curated global fashion and beauty brands, SIVILLAGE offers only genuine products, exclusive to their platform. From trendy fashion pieces to high-end beauty products, SIVILLAGE brings the best of both worlds - domestic and international brands - right to your mobile device.
As an integrated membership platform, SIVILLAGE allows you to conveniently track your purchases, earn shopping points, and access exclusive online and offline coupons and benefits.
Features of SIVILLAGE:
Unleash a world of luxury with the SIVILLAGE App. Discover carefully selected luxury brands by Shinsegae International, offering a wide range of fashion and beauty products. Enjoy exclusive offers, benefits, and coupons through the integrated membership, and conveniently track your purchase history. Easily locate brand stores with the store locator feature and receive excellent customer support through the 24/7 customer center. Stay updated with the latest events and announcements. Download now to experience the ultimate luxury shopping experience.
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