Introducing YabZiip, the ultimate platform for sending private and restricted messages to your friends. With YabZiip, you have full control over when and how your message is received. Whether it's a confession, a love declaration, or simply a good message, YabZiip allows you to choose when your friends will know about it. You can opt to block the message with a password or set a specific due date for it to be opened. The choice is yours. Plus, you can decide if you want the message to be erased or published in your timeline after it's been viewed. It's as simple as that! Send your YAB with YabZiip now and make your words count.
- Users have the option to block the message with a password or restrict it to a certain due date.
- Users can choose if they want their messages to be erased or published in the timeline once it's been opened by the receiver.
- The app allows users to send messages even if it's not the right time yet, providing the best way to communicate.
- Users can send any type of content, including confessions, love declarations, or just a positive message.
- The app has 6 sections: Inbox, Outbox, Timeline, Your YABS, Notifications, and Message.
YabZiip is a user-friendly app that allows users to send restricted messages, images, and videos to others. It provides options to block messages or set a due date, giving users control over their communication. Additionally, users can choose if their messages should be erased or published in the timeline. With easy navigation and various sections to manage messages, YabZiip is the perfect platform to express yourself to friends in a secure and convenient way. Click to download now and start sharing your YABS!
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